If you're feeling unsure about how good of a doctor you'll be when you enter med school, don't be too nervous. Dealing with amputations and the accompanying gangrene in the 1800s was no easy feat, especially for Dr. Robert Liston, yet he still made a name for himself. You can rest easy knowing you probably won't make the same mistakes he did. Curious? Read more to find out why history remembers his name. Read More
With EDM gaining popularity, and festivals springing up, recent drug-related deaths have sparked the interest of political leaders to help combat club drugs. Ultimately, the user holds the power to decide when the risks of MDMA use will eventually outweigh the chase for euphoric feelings. Read More
For the past few years, and especially throughout college, I’ve seen myself and the people around me struggle to work... Read More
As a UC San Diego student, you have either taken a chemistry class or been forced to listen to a friend complain about one for hours on end. Turns out, all of this chemistry is actually somewhat relevant. Learn more about poisons, toxins, and how they have affected history. Read More
DANIEL LUSK | BLOGGER | SQ ONLINE (2018-19) Have you noticed all the news about Marie Kondo? I tried watching... Read More
But is it feasible to think that one day humans would be able to colonize Mars? Many people certainly think so, and one of those visionaries is the billionaire founder of SpaceX, Elon Musk. He claims that within the end of the century he’ll be able to start a colony of a million humans on Mars. Read More