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Submission Guidelines

The deadline to submit research manuscripts and scientific review papers for the 2023-24 school year is October 27, 2023. Please submit an interest form here by October 20.

  1. Senior Honors Thesis Abstract Guidelines
  2. Masters Brevias Submission Guidelines
  3. Review Paper Guidelines
  4. Manuscript Submission Guidelines
  5. SQ Graphics Permission Statement
  6. SQ Author Agreement

The 2024-2025 Core Staff application is CLOSED. Email for more information.

The 2024-2025 All Staff application is CLOSED. Email for more information.

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact our current staff at

*Position does not require that the applicant be majoring or minoring in a biology discipline.


All Staff Positions


Saltman Quarterly Staff Writer

Writers are responsible for writing a features article on a topic that has been discussed with and approved by the Features Editor. These in-depth and scientifically rigorous articles focus on the innovative research from one UCSD-affiliated lab and are intended for an audience of other UCSD biology majors.

Under the Scope Staff Writer

Writers will compose an article with a partner on a topic that has been discussed with and approved by the UTS Features Editor. These in-depth articles synthesize research from multiple student researchers on related topics and should be approachable to non-biology majors.

Research Features Staff Writer

Writers will work closely with student researchers and the Research Editor to compose an accompanying article for their manuscripts, reviews, and/or Master’s brevias. Writers will develop a thorough understanding of the publications in order to synthesize a piece with the focus of increasing the accessibility of the publication and research to non-biology major undergraduates.

Online Reporter

Online Reporters write formal articles on biology topics that they find fascinating and would like to explore, with the approval of the Online Editor. The reporter integrates feedback into their articles and fine tunes them with interviews, eventually posting their own work on the Saltman Quarterly website for the UCSD community and the biological community to read and enjoy.


Bloggers write and develop a blog, posting articles throughout the year with a consistent theme related to biology. Blogs are featured on SQ Online and provide a unique and less-formal perspective on scientific topics.


Technical Editor

Technical editors are responsible for helping all Saltman Quarterly writers produce their best writing by checking for grammar, spelling, structure, and adherence to style guidelines. Experience with reading scientific literature is preferred, and strict adherence to all deadlines is essential.

Review Board Member

Review board members will receive 1-3 manuscripts each quarter for personal review. Members will then submit a review form detailing their analysis and opinion of the paper which will be taken into serious consideration by both the author and the SQ editorial staff. Review board members will also participate in scientific literacy workshops throughout the year.


Community Outreach Committee

Community Outreach Committee Members are part of a dedicated staff that helps SQ’s Community Outreach efforts to expose K-12 students in the San Diego area to STEM, research, and communication. Assignments and responsibilities will be in accordance with the Community Outreach Chair, and each member will have an opportunity to help create, plan, and execute the outreach activities.

Media Analyst*

Media Analysts are responsible for growing Saltman Quarterly’s online presence and student interaction; they will be conceptualizing social media posts, writing captions, analyzing social media impact, and scheduling/posting all social media content. In general, the goal of the Media Analyst is to help Saltman Quarterly create a strong social media presence and find innovative ways to interact with the student body at UCSD. They work directly with the Content Creators to operate as a singular Social Media team.

Web Assistant*

Web Assistants will be responsible for helping the Web Director manage all aspects of SQ Online. The Web Assistant position allows the student to be introduced to the inner workings of SQ Online and is a stepping stone to the Web Director position on SQ’s Core Staff. Web assistants will work with the web director to publish online articles and implement improvements to the website.

Podcast Committee

A newly launched (2022) educational and informational podcast focused on sharing with the UCSD population news of scientific discoveries and innovations, research conducted by professors, faculty, and students, and ways to get involved in SQ and other opportunities on campus. Roles include writers, editors, interviewers, equipment coordinators, and publishers.



Staff Illustrators are responsible for complementing written content with creative and appropriate illustrations to enhance the readers’ experience in both understanding and appreciation of the subject matter. Illustrators are not required to be biology majors, although a strong understanding of biology is helpful.


Staff Photographers are responsible for capturing “biology in action” through high-quality images. They will also work together with the different groups within SQ to capture images that will be incorporated into both the print and online media published by SQ.

Layout Designer*

Layout Designers are responsible for creating the layout and style of SQ’s print publications, SQ, UTS, and the quarterly insiders. Designers must have knowledge of how to create visually-interesting, professional-looking publications using Adobe InDesign. They report to the Head Production editors and work with Photography, Illustration, and writing teams. Each layout designer will be responsible for a different section of the SQ Journal or UTS Magazine.

Content Creators*

Content Creators are responsible for creating graphics to accompany SQ’s posts on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and more.  Content Creators should have an eye for graphic design and will largely use Canva to carry out their responsibilities. They work directly with the Media Analysts to operate as a singular Social Media team.

Core Staff Positions

Writing Editors

SQ Features Editor

 The SQ Features Editor is responsible for staff writers, guiding them towards completion of features articles for the Saltman Quarterly research journal. They are responsible for providing writer’s workshops, peer editing sessions, and other events necessary to ensure the completion of a professional features article by each of the staff writers.

UTS Features Editor

The UTS Features Editor is responsible for staff writers, guiding them towards completion of a features article for the Under the Scope magazine. They are responsible for providing writer’s workshops, peer editing sessions, and other events necessary to ensure the completion of a well-written article by each of the staff writers.

Online Editor

The Online Editor is responsible for overseeing all features-style content that is posted on the SQ Online website. They provide creative direction and regularly review and accept article pitches from Online Reporters. They are responsible for providing writer’s workshops, peer editing sessions, and other events necessary to ensure the completion of high-quality pieces by Online Reporters. They will coordinate with the Blog Manager and Online Outreach Coordinator to ensure that articles are published by appropriate deadlines.

Blog Manager

The Blog Manager is responsible for overseeing all blogs posted on the SQ Online website. They approve blog themes, provide creative direction, and regularly review and accept article pitches from Bloggers. They are responsible for providing writer’s workshops, peer editing sessions, and other events necessary to ensure the completion of high-quality pieces by Bloggers. They will coordinate with the Online Editor and Online Outreach Coordinator to ensure that articles are published by appropriate deadlines.


Head Tech Editor

The Head Technical Editor works with their technical editing team to ensure that all Saltman Quarterly pieces have consistent grammar, spelling, and style. They help guide the voices of SQ pieces as according to each specific publication and work closely with executive staff and other writing editors to ensure that deadlines are met.

Research Editor

The Research Editor is responsible for advertising and ensuring the submission of UCSD undergraduate research manuscripts, reviews, and Master’s brevias. They work closely with the Review Board Manager to advance scientific writing and scholarship.

Review Board Manager

The Review Board Manager is responsible for the SQ Review Board. They organize regular workshops focused in building reviewing skills as well as coordinate the reviewing and editing of SQ research submissions with Review Board. They work closely with the Research Editors to engage undergraduates in the process of editing manuscripts and scientific reviews.


Media Director

The Media Director is responsible for curating creative content to increase science accessibility with the assistance of the Media Analysts and Content Creators. They coordinate inter-team collaboration to generate science content for SQ’s social media platforms, and they also oversee the publicizing of SQ events and opportunities. They work closely with the executive team to grow SQ’s reach to external audiences through innovative use of online media.

Community Outreach Coordinator

The Community Outreach Coordinator is in charge of communicating Saltman Quarterly’s passion for science to the community through service projects. They are responsible for coordinating with external partners to host events, staffing members of the Community Outreach team at events, and overseeing the development of new activities and content throughout the year. They are also responsible for coordinating the annual SQ High School Essay Contest.

Podcast Manager

The Podcast Manager is responsible for ensuring that podcasts are created in a timely manner. Their roles include but are not limited to creating a timeline of when and how many podcasts must be produced per quarter, working with the podcast committee in reaching out to prospective interviewees as well as creating relevant interview questions, corresponding with those who supply podcast equipment, deciding the location and time for interviews, hosting meetings for the podcast committee, and releasing the finalized version of the podcast on relevant platforms.

Graphics Editors

Head Illustrator

The Head Illustrator is responsible for the deadlines and creative direction for illustrations in the SQ Research Journal, UTS Magazine, SQ Insider, and SQ Online. They coordinate with the writing heads to connect writers with illustrators to create engaging and scientifically accurate content.

Head Photographer

The Head Photographer is responsible for the deadlines and creative direction for photography in SQ Online pieces, the UTS magazine, SQ Insiders, and social media. They are responsible for coordinating the annual SQ Photo Contest.

Production Editor

The SQ Production Editors are in charge of managing the design and overall publication of the SQ Research Journal, Under the Scope Magazine, and quarterly insiders. The two production editors work together to edit designs produced by layout designers and manage the production team.

Web Director

The Web Director is responsible for the maintenance and updating of the SQ website in a regular and timely manner. This includes setting up online and executive staff with accounts, managing permissions on old and new writer accounts, adding new SQ/UTS/Insider issues to the website, and updating website aesthetics.