How do you advance your position in relation to your peers? This question is oftentimes the most troubling and daunting question that the average twenty-something encounters, especially those who choose to continue their education beyond their bachelor’s degree. Students often attempt to respond to this question by spending their time doing things such as getting involved in campus organizations, acquiring a position in a lab... Read More
Dr. Anthony Cannella is an infectious disease specialist at the University of Florida whom I had the privilege of interviewing back in July. He attended the University of South Florida for his both his undergraduate degree and medical doctor (M.D.) degree. He has worked for UC San Diego Health Systems as a physician and a researcher. Read More
Exchanging eyeballs has been the stuff of scary stories and gory science fiction for centuries. The cultural perception of these legends, however, makes it easy to gloss over the large populations that actually undergo these procedures. Read More
Eternal youth is a concept dreamt about by many and disfavored by few. From Peter Pan’s journeys in Neverland to Bob Dylan’s 1973 hit track, pop culture has romanticized the idea of youth lasting for decades. Recently, researchers at UCLA have taken a small step toward bringing this timeless fantasy to life. Read More