The 2013 Research Showcase held last Wednesday featured poster presentations from over 50 undergraduate and 30 master’s student researchers. The event was sponsored by the Division of Biological Sciences and the Saltman Quarterly Program.
Students presented in the areas of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Cell & Developmental Biology, Ecology, Behavior & Evolution, Genetics & Molecular Biology, and Immunology, Virology & Cancer Biology. The latest copies of SQ and UTS were distributed at the event, and an alumni networking reception followed the presentations.
An Evening to Present
In this media feature, students share their experiences of researching on campus, what they enjoyed most while conducting their projects, and advice they would like to give to fellow students who may be just starting out in a lab. Also an alumni judge from UC San Diego’s first graduating class shares how unique an undergraduate research opportunity can really be.
Recap and Results
For a recap of the event and for the announcements of the poster winners, watch this video:
Students who participated in the Senior Honors Thesis program (BISP 196) are recognized for their individual year-long projects and papers. Read their abstracts.
Poster winners display the latest copies of SQ and UTS.
Front row (left to right): An Qi (Angela) Yao, Joanna Coker, Nancy Gillcrist, Sarah Carmona
Back row: Jun Song, Tyler Wishard, Liang Liang, Daniel Mcdonald
Videos created by members of the SQ web/publicity teams: Brianna Egan, Richard Loi, Jasmine Tan, and Cindy Yang.
Photos by Kevin Perez.