Reindeer are critically endangered, and I couldn’t believe it when I first read about it in articles. These creatures are also referred to as woodland caribou, but that name probably doesn’t garner the type of nostalgic and mystical image that the general public responds to. Read More
Every week our Research Editors highlight a few of the latest headlines in science news and explain why these pieces are interesting and applicable to our classes at UC San Diego. If you find an engaging science article, share it with us on our Facebook page and your highlight may just be featured! Read More
I hope you all had a nice Valentine’s Day. It’s peak flu season, and both of my roommates are sick. I’m likely to get sick as well, so this past weekend I stayed inside and watched a couple of disease movies, starting with 28 Days Later. Read More
Every week our Research Editors highlight a few of the latest headlines in science news and explain why these pieces are interesting and applicable to our classes at UC San Diego. If you find an engaging science article, share it with us on our Facebook page and your highlight may just be featured! Read More
Did you know that millions of people are paying more for 12 ounces of chain-store cappuccinos than they are for a gallon of gasoline (according to the Consumerist)? What makes coffee so enchanting, and what makes it the second-most-traded global commodity after crude oil and derivatives¹ Read More
I care only about the new Jurassic World trailer, which got me thinking about other things that aren’t coming out in forever. Despite being revealed in 2013, Finding Dory... Read More
About two years ago I worked with National Geographic on a project about the greater Yellowstone ecosystem, and a lot of that work was associated with gray wolves Read More
Every week our Research Editors highlight a few of the latest headlines in science news and explain why these pieces are interesting and applicable to our classes at UC San Diego. If you find an engaging science article, share it with us on our Facebook page and your highlight may just be featured! Read More
Imagine being rudely woken up by your inconsiderate cell phone alarm at 6:45 a.m. in the middle of the quarter. You lie back on your cozy college bunk and think to yourself, “Gosh, I really wish I didn’t have that 8 a.m. class,” and then you reluctantly (and with great difficulty) climb down the ladder totally unprepared to face another exhausting day. Well, my friend, I think it’s time you grab some breakfast tea. You’ll probably feel a lot more willing to take on the day. Why? Let’s figure it out together. Read More