*Disclaimer: This blog is graded solely on a P/NP scale and attendence is optional*
Hello and welcome, fellow biologists and science enthusiasts, bookworms and film buffs, naturalists and nurturers! My name is Haebin and I will be writing my blog spreading a wide range of topics from casual conversations with my peers about current issues in biology to sharing my thoughts on anything that particularly struck me in a meaningful way. But of course, a little about myself! I’m a second year undergrad from Marshall, an EBE major (props to those who actually know of it…), sci-fi fanatic, research assistant in the Holway Lab, NorCal native, and an overall enthusiastic person! Occasionally, I will also feature unique facts about curious creatures and write reviews on books and movies related to biology. My blog won’t particularly have a strict theme because I want to concentrate on engaging discussion on things I found that would be very interesting to hear differing opinions on.
All that said, I am hoping many of you will step out of your comfort zones and interact with other biology majors who may not share the same interests or pursue the same careers as you. Although the common factor is that we all attend UCSD as Biology majors (minors or general interest as well!), many of us pursue one field in biology and interact with a niche peer group, be it pre-meds, researchers, environmentalists, bioinformatics…you get the point. I will try to break down a few barriers that will provide us all with a better understanding of biology as a whole and spread some newfound knowledge by applying biology in interdisciplinary fields. Ultimately, I hope this will coax you, the audience, to apply some new perspectives in your everyday life and studies. After all, epiphanies are born through curiosity and perhaps my blog will serve as a conduit to some new ones!
Now that we’re a little comfortable with each other and you know what this blog will be about in a way, I am eager to hear all of your opinions on all the crazy, weird and interesting things that I have thought about for a very long time. It’ll be refreshing to see in a different perspective and perhaps you guys will enjoy the discourse as well. I’m just one blogger in a total of four SQ bloggers so be sure to check their posts out too! Until then, have some cuttlefish!