Editor-in-Chief: Anjali Iyangar, ’23
Human Biology Major
Anjali (she/her) is a third year human biology major who first joined SQ as an online writer during her freshman year. She hopes to one day be a physician and medical science writer. When Anjali isn’t studying or doing research, she can be found walking to places that she should probably bus to instead. More importantly, Anjali is an ardent enthusiast of frozen yogurt, windows that serve as substitutes for walls, and the rule of three. For fun conversations about parasites, poetry, and everything in between, you can (and should) contact her at aiyangar@ucsd.edu.
Editor-in-Chief : Nicole Adamson, ’23
Marine Biology Major, Chinese Studies Minor
Nicole (she/her) is a third year marine biology major who hopes to someday work on international policy issues related to ocean life. She conducts research in the Tresguerres Lab, where she studies acid/base regulation in fish red blood cells. Nicole also enjoys learning to speak Chinese and eating Chinese food, and (coincidentally) is pursuing a minor in Chinese studies. In her free time, Nicole enjoys surveying Trader Joes’ seasonal delectables, listening to podcasts, trying new desserts, and walking along the beach. Reach her at nadamson@ucsd.edu.
Executive Editor: Juliana Fox, ’22
Molecular and Cell Biology Major, Psychology Minor
Editor-at-Large: Chetana Thappeta, ’22
Biology with Specialization in Bioinformatics Major
SQ Features Editor: Anna Hakimi, ’22
Neurobiology Major
Production Editor: Tania Gallardo, ’23
Molecular and Cell Biology Major, Human Development Minor
Tania (she/her) is a third year student majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology and minoring in Human Development. She joined the SQ Production team her freshman year to combine two of her biggest passions, design and biology. She is still exploring what she wants to do after graduating, but she is currently interested in pursuing a career as a genetic counselor. Outside of SQ, she spends most of her time working with mice in the Medical Teaching Facility as a research assistant, watching The Bachelor, working out or exploring the outdoors. Reach her at tgallard@ucsd.edu.
Production Editor (UTS): Amber Hauw, ’22
Human Biology Major
Amber is a fourth year studying human biology. She joined the SQ Production team her third year in the midst of the pandemic, and has since been extremely grateful to find a niche at UCSD that allows her to fully immerse herself in three fields she knows is rare to experience all at once – biology, journalism, and graphic design. Amber hopes to work as a military doctor, where she can offer mental health support to active duty personnel, veterans, and their families. When Amber isn’t messing around in the break room with the nurses at the veterans’ hospital or scratching her head about why her experiment for her lab failed once again, she likes to find excuses to bake two-layer cheesecakes, devise music playlists with pointless themes, and occasionally surf as well as the surfing dogs seen in the multitude of viral videos infecting the internet. To get ahold of that cheeecake recipe, or send her prayers on braving the ocean swells with her 5-foot-frame, feel free to reach out at ahauw@ucsd.edu.
Head Technical Editor: Ishrak Ramzan, ’23
General Biology Major, General Linguistics Major
Ishrak (he/him) is a third year double majoring in General Biology and General Linguistics. He joined SQ as a freshman as a member of the Review Board because he wanted to help spread scientific literacy and cool research among the undergraduate community here at UCSD. While he is still deciding on what he wants to pursue following graduation, currently he has been debating between pursuing a PhD somewhere in the realm of structural biology, or going on to medical school. In his spare time, he enjoys exploring different parts of town, classic literature, working out, baking, learning languages, and spontaneous outings with friends late at night. If you’re interested in gelato flavor recommendations, good books, or anything else really, contact Ishrak at iramzan@ucsd.edu
UTS Features Editor: Lina Lew, ’23
Human Biology Major, Global Health Major
Lina (she/her) is a third year Human Biology and Global Health major at UC San Diego, but more importantly, the proud owner of a weighted blanket. She loves learning about the world and reading books of which she is not the target audience. You can find her making indie girl rock playlists, writing abstract poetry that only she understands, and taking photos of pretty clouds. Among other vague personal projects, Lina is currently attempting to perfect the art of androgyny and discover the best vegan banana bread recipe. Wish her luck at lvlew@ucsd.edu.
Webmaster: Caitlyn Truong, ’24
Biology with Specialization in Bioinformatics Major, Computer Science Minor
Online Editor (Reporters): Anushka Bajaj, ’23
Human Biology Major, Global Health Major
Anushka (she/her) is a third-year studying both Human Biology and Global Health. As a technical editor, Anushka had a blast learning about all the cool research being conducted in the field from editing some of her peers’ writing in all of SQ’s publications. Now, she is thrilled to help navigate the creative and writing process in her favorite publication, SQ Online! You can find Anushka on campus either helping babies complete tasks at the SoCal Lab or tutoring students at the Writing Hub in the university’s Teaching and Learning Commons. Anushka spends her free time curating obscenely long Spotify playlists, rewatching Bollywood movies from the early 2000s, and living vicariously through contemporary literature. Tell her your favorite place to grab food in San Diego at anbajaj@ucsd.edu 🙂
Online Editor (Bloggers): Sharanya Sriram, ’24
Molecular and Cell Biology Major
Head Photographer: Bridget Spencer, ’23
Ecology, Behaviour, & Evolution Major
Bridget (she/her) is a third year ecology, behaviour, and evolution student who became a staff photographer for Saltman Quarterly as a freshman. She loves all wildlife but is particularly fond of birds and marine life. As a result, you can usually find her exploring canyons near campus by bike, snorkelling off of La Jolla, or poking around in tide pools. During the summer she works to broaden the knowledge of biodiversity in provincial and regional parks in British Columbia by using photography and citizen science to discover and identify various species. If you want to chat, feel free to contact her at bcspence@ucsd.edu
Head Illustrator: Sara Kian, ’22
Human Biology Major, Studio Art Major
Sara is a senior double majoring in Human Biology and Studio Art. She joined the Saltman Quarterly illustration team back in 2019 and has loved being part of the team ever since. In her spare time, Sara loves long chats with friends, visiting new food spots, and learning how to sew. You can often find Sara studying in a coffee shop or sitting with a bag of popcorn at the movie theater! If you’re interested in the world of art + science or love a good film, you can reach out to Sara at sskian@ucsd.edu
Community Outreach Coordinator: Alexandra Babakanian, ’22
Neurobiology Major, Public Health Major
Alexandra is a fourth year student majoring in Neurobiology and Public Health. She hopes to pursue a future as an adolescent and young adult physician to aid in bridging the gap of care between physical and mental health. She loves all things baking so if you ever need a baked good to get you through the week, she is happy to share! She is an advocate for mental health and wants you to know that you matter and to never hesitate to reach out if you need anything at all.
Research Editor: Megha Srivatsa, ’24
Molecular and Cell Biology Major, Psychology Minor, Health Care–Social Issues Minor
Megha (they/she) is a second year Molecular and Cell Biology major. She joined SQ as a technical editor in her first year with the goal of helping students communicate their amazing contributions to the biological field. By living on campus with her dietary restrictions as a functional vegan (no-egg-vegetarian-lactose-intolerant) she has discovered that she can proudly call herself “not a bad cook.” She also loves going on hikes, playing the violin, and bullet journaling. If you ever would like to talk about immunology research, climate and health activism, analyze indie films, or would just like to chat, reach out to her at msrivatsa@ucsd.edu.
Research Editor: Yukta Chidanandan, ’23
Neurobiology Major, Theatre Minor
Yukta (she/her) is a third year Neurobiology major with a minor in Theatre. She joined SQ as a sophomore with a research background, hoping to guide bright young researchers further along their paths. After graduating, Yukta hopes to pair research and medicine in a Medical Scientist Training Program, kicking off a career in which she can treat patients with the latest and greatest in scientific discovery. When avoiding school and work, Yukta can be found in the pages of a good book, creating chaos in the kitchen, or conveying spook with UCSD’s Halloween enthusiasts. To discuss neurobiology research, dramaturgy, biology career paths, and more, you can reach her at ychidana@ucsd.edu.
Review Board Manager: Jenny Namkoong, ’24
Human Biology Major
Jenny (she/her) is a second year student majoring in Human Biology. When she joined SQ in freshmen year as a Review Board Member and Blogger, she discovered how inspiring it is to explore the wonders of biology amongst enthusiastic peers. In the future, she aspires to become a physician who serves underprivileged communities and supports narrowing health disparities. In her free time, she loves to dance in a variety of genres, watch shows, and explore good food with friends!